“O What a Friend”

  Pastor Rich Knight Central Congregational Church August 30, 2020   John 15:12-15  “This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. No one has greater love than this, to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.  You are my friends if you do what I command you.  I do not call you […]

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Help for Covid-Depression

  Pastor Rich Knight Central Congregational Church Aug. 23, 2020 Psalm 42 Philippians 4   I want to talk briefly about Covid-Depression this morning.     Covid-Depression can take many forms – from general sadness, like a mild depression, to profound feelings grief & loss, as we’re reminded of death every night on the evening […]

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The Grasshopper and the Maker

  Alisa Knight, M.Div. August 9, 2020   I Kings 19:1-13 Ahab told Jezebel all that Elijah had done, and how he had killed all the prophets with the sword. 2 Then Jezebel sent a messenger to Elijah, saying, “So may the gods do to me, and more also, if I do not make your life like […]

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Easter Means Hope!

  Pastor Rich Knight Central Congregational Church April 12, 2020 – Easter Message I like for us to think about hope this morning. Hope is essential in our lives. Everything that gets done in this world starts with hope. Hope is the ignition, the spark that gets things moving. With hope, almost anything is possible. […]

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The Way, the Truth & the Life

  Series:  The Teachings from the Upper Room   Pastor Richard Knight Central Congregational Church March 15, 2020 John 14:1-10   You’re familiar with the saying, “Saving the best for last.” It seems that Jesus did that the night of the Last Supper. Some of his most powerful words and most memorable and important teachings […]

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“It’s All About Love”

  The Teachings of the Upper Room Series   Pastor Rich Knight Central Congregational Church March 8, 2020 John 13:34-35, John 15:9-12 The setting for these words is the night of Last Supper, Thursday night of Holy Week. It’s the night before the Cross. The disciples and Jesus are in Jerusalem, the holy city, but […]

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Sometimes It Takes an Artist

  Pastor Rich Knight Central Congregational Church March 1, 2020 John 1:1-18   It’s well known that there are 4 accounts of the life of Jesus Christ. The 4 Gospels – Matthew, Mark, Luke & John. Each begins in a unique way. Matthew begins with a genealogy to establish Jesus’ Messianic credentials as a descendent […]

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Out of Your Comfort Zone

  Doug Drake, Ast. Scoutmaster, Troop 74 Feb. 9, 2020 Scout Sunday   Many of you saw the signs on the edge of the pews requesting that you sit alphabetically rather than wherever you might normally sit. How does it feel to be sitting in a different spot? A little unnerving? A little uncomfortable? It’s […]

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Receive, Believe, Become

  Pastor Rich Knight Central Congregational Church Dec. 22, 2019 John 1:1-14   Intro to the passage: the word, “Word” is prominent in this passage. “In the beginning was the Word,” echoing Gen.1. The Greek word here translated “word” is Logos.  Logos – in the Hebrew Scriptures it meant, “God in action.”   “And the Word […]

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