How to Reconnect with God

By Pastor Rich Knight

Like any relationship, our relationship with God can ebb and flow. It’s only natural to sometimes feel distant from God. Life’s stresses and heartache can overwhelm us. The busyness of life can put spirituality on the back burner. Or for no apparent reason at all we can experience what the mystics called, “The Dark Night of the Soul,” where God’s presence seems more like absence.

“The Christian life is not a constant high. I have my moments of deep discouragement. I have to go to God in prayer with tears in my eyes, and say, ‘O God, forgive me,’ or ‘Help me.’”

-Billy Graham

Fortunately for us, God is always there, waiting for us to reconnect.

Prayer is the key.

When it comes to reconnecting, here are two things to remember:

  1. God longs to reconnect.

It is the very nature of God to connect with us. “God is love,” wrote St. John. Love always reaches out to reconnect. In Jesus’ famous parable the Prodigal Son was embraced by his father when he returned home. God’s embrace awaits us.

  1. K.I.S.S. – Keep it simple, Silly!

Don’t make prayer too complicated. Think about the Lord’s Prayer, the model prayer given to us by Jesus. It’s a short, straightforward prayer. Keep it simple. Keep it real.

Here are some great ways to pray: 

Focus on your breath

Breathe in the Holy Spirit, breathe out what doesn’t belong.

Utilize a scripture to help, such as John 3:30:

  He must increase (breathe in); I must decrease (breathe out).

Saying Grace before meals. Hey, it’s 3 times a day!

Use “Flash Prayers” throughout the day.

Prayer doesn’t have to be long, eloquent & wordy to be heard.

Offer up one sentence prayers as people and circumstances pop into your mind.

“There is not in the world a kind of life more sweet and delightful
than that of a continual conversation with God.” 

-Brother Lawrence


   A = Adore – express your love for God

   C – Confess your sins and failures

   T – Thank God for blessings

   S – Submit Requests

Pray with your body.

A. Kneeling helps us come before God with humility and reverence.

B. Palms Up/ Palms Down – Place your hands on your lap, palms down. Pray about the things that weigh you down, that keep you down. Pour these things out to God. Then turn your palms over, giving all things to God. Thank God for God’s presence & love.

C. Make a tight, clenched fist and as you do bring to God a situation or person you’re struggling to forgive. Ask for the Spirit’s help with forgiveness. Then unclench your fist.

6. Meditate on a verse from Scripture, repeating it over and over, each time focusing on another key word or phrase. Here are some suggested verses:

God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.  – Psalm 46:1

Be still and know that I am God.   – Psalm 46:10 

They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength.Isaiah 40:31

Pray with an open Bible and an open heart.

Open your Bible and read until you find something you can pray into your life. A daily devotional can help a lot with this.

Sing a prayer, sing to God.

Sing a worship song, such as “I Love You, Lordor “Glorify Thy Name,” or the refrain to a classic hymn such as “How Great Thou Art.”

Pray and worship with others.

Spirituality practiced in community is rejuvenating!

Memorize some really good prayers.

Examples: The Lord’s Prayer, The Prayer of St. Francis, and these . . .

The Serenity Prayer

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and the wisdom to know the difference

The Day by Day Prayer

Dear Lord, these three things I pray;
To see you more clearly
To love you more dearly
To follow you more nearly.
Day by day. Amen.

“Good morning, Lord! What are You up to today?
Can I be a part of it? Thank You. Amen.”
– Norman Grubb

Central Congregational Church

Sunday Worship 10:00 am

One Worthen Street, Chelmsford, MA  01824

Rev. Lee Atherton, Pastor Pro Tem