“Creating Faith-filled Disciples, Centered in God’s Love”
A Message from the Chair of the Christian Education Committee
All of us on the Christian Education (CE) Committee, as well as our teachers and assistants, are excited about our Sunday School program! We have great kids who love to learn and wonderful teachers who love kids and love to teach them!

Below you’ll find lots of information on our Christian Education program. We hope you find it helpful!
As always we maintain an “open door” policy both literally and figuratively. If you have ideas, comments, concerns or want to volunteer, please feel free to get in touch with any member of the Christian Education Committee.
God’s Joy to you all!
Samantha Shields
Christian Education Committee Chair
“From Christ the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament,
grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.”
Ephesians 4:16
Christian Education Committee
Chair: Samantha Shields
Committee Members: Samantha Shields, chair, Lindsay Moore, April McCarthy, Kristin Strobel, Meghan Naish, Elmer Lyons, Shaleena Pulliam, Becky Acheson, and Pastor Pro Tem Rev. Lee Atherton
Each family must register their child. Special attention is given to your responses in these areas: special concerns or needs, allergies, and photos.
Special Concern or Needs – any information you can share with us that will aid us in providing the best possible experience for your child. This should include but is not limited to any specific educational or behavioral needs your child might have. If your child has an IEP in school, it is helpful for you to share some of that with us.
Allergies – On occasion, an activity may include food. If your child has food allergies, teachers will discuss the plan with you so your child can be included or another option available.
Photos – All photos used in class or on printed material will be void of names. If you do not want your child’s photo used, you may simply check the box on the form. You may change your choice at any time.
Nametags – Nametags are more than simply a hospitality practice. In a large group where many adults do not know all the children, it is helpful for adults to be able to address children by name. Please be sure to make it a family practice to head for the Nametag board in Fellowship Hall before going to worship or class.
Worship, Nursery Care, and Sunday School
Worship begins at 10:00 a.m. in the sanctuary.
Nursery (ages newborn up to age 3.5) – Infant and Toddler Care provided is provided in the Loving Arms Nursery in Room 207 on the second floor from 9:45 a.m. to the end of worship. Pagers are available for parents.
Sunday School for Preschool through Grade 12
Typical Sundays – Children and Youth attend worship with their parents and then head off to Sunday School following the Children’s Message. Classes end at 11:15 a.m.
Communion Sundays (the first Sunday of every month)
- Younger Children (Pre-K through 4th Grade) begin worship with their families then go to their class following the Children’s Message. You will be notified in advance of any changes.
- Children in grades 5-8 will start in their classrooms at 10:00 a.m. They will then be escorted to the sanctuary partway through the service to participate in Communion with their families.
- Youth in grades 9-12 are encouraged to worship with their families or God Squad group in the balcony. They may speak with Jennifer Hart about assisting in a classroom before Communion Sunday, if they would like.
Holiday Sundays – When there is no Sunday School, preschool children through grade 4 are welcome to bein the nursery after the Children’s Message. Children are invited to worship with their families. We encourage your children to pick up an Activity Bag in the narthex (lobby) or to bring drawing material. Many children listen best while their hands are busy.
We are all pencils in the hand of God. ~ Mother Teresa
~Mother Teresa
All of our classes use creative, engaging, age-appropriate curriculum. We use materials that come from a progressive, Protestant perspective. They focus on God’s unconditional love for all people – learning about God’s love, and learning to live, walk, pray, and serve in God’s love.
- The Pre-K -1st grad class and Grades 2-4 will use the “Feasting on the Word” curriculum from the PC(USA) Store. We believe the children will find it fun and accessible, with creative multimedia components. It follows the Revised Common Lectionary and allows everyone to explore the same Bible passage each week, making it easy for families to live out their faith together.
- The Holy Cows, our Middle School class (grades 5-8), will have access to the “Feasting on the Word” curriculum and we will also meet the spiritual needs of the students in the classroom. This group also meets monthly for service projects and fun events. If you are interested in helping with activities outside of class, please let a member of the Christian Education Committee know.
- The God Squad is our group for High School age teens who are firm in their faith, as well as those who have questions and doubts. We address the obstacles that pull teens away from God as we explore God at work in the world and in their lives. We help youth understand that being a Christ-follower requires a conscious decision on their part to turn away from the negative influences in their lives. It’s never easy, but always worth it! Please feel welcome to ask the teachers any questions you may have about our curriculum.
Please feel welcome to ask the teachers or a member of the Christian Education Committee if any questions you may have about our curriculum.
Holy Communion
Although our Communion class is for fourth graders, any child, regardless of age, may receive Communion, whether they have taken the class or not. This is a decision that the child’s parents may make. Just as we would not turn three-year-old “Anna” away from the dinner table because she doesn’t understand the nutritional qualities of the food, we do not turn away three-year-old “Sam” from the Communion table just because he doesn’t understand the theological basis for Communion. If your child happens to be in worship when Communion is served, you could explain to him or her that this food and drink helps us remember and be closer to Jesus and also brings us closer to others who seek to know and follow him. Deeper understanding will come later.
For more information about Communion and Confirmation, please click here.