Central Congregational Church is a “Safe Church”
Our CCC children are very precious to us and we consider it a privilege to partner with their parents in their Christian Education. Because we take this privilege very seriously, the Church Council voted in May 2003 to adopt a Safe Church Policy. This policy was updated and approved by Council in June 2019. This policy is a living document which is reviewed periodically so as to maintain safety and allow for ministry to happen. The Policy is available in the Church Office, in the Pastor’s office, and in the CE Storeroom on the third floor. The Youth Protection Guidelines are distributed to renters and are given to teachers and all who work with children and youth. The most significant part of the Policy is that no adult will be alone with a child or youth, which is summarized in the Two Adult Rule as follows:
Safe Church Policy D.3.1 Two-Adult rule
The two-adult rule requires that two adults, not married to each other, must be present with any child or children less than 18 years of age. No adult will be alone in the Church, or at a church- approved activity, with a child or children, with the following exceptions:
- The child is a relative.
- The adult is in a caregiver position for the child outside of church-related duties.
- It is mutually agreed upon by both the child’s parent and the adult.
Should only one adult be present, or the assistant is younger than 18 or from the same family as the supervisor, the room’s door shall be left open. When using an open door, there must be adults in the vicinity who are aware that the class has only one adult and is leaving the door open. If these criteria cannot be met, the class or activity will be canceled and the children will be returned to their parent(s) or guardian(s). On a field trip, it is permissible to have one adult per vehicle while transporting youth.
Every Sunday, a CE member or designate will float the halls making sure to check in all classrooms using the “Open Door.” Teachers count on “Floaters,” as well as the Sunday School Coordinator, to help whenever there is a need (such as checking on older children using the restroom or extra help in case of behavioral needs). Floaters see to the general safety of the students and the teachers. In addition to this, the Sunday School Coordinator will take attendance and collect and deposit Sunday School offerings.
All Youth Group participants will need to have a medical release on file at the church. The medical release forms can be obtained from the youth group leaders, in the church office, or on our church website. Permission slips will be a “must” for all youth group activities that occur off church grounds and for Sunday School field trips.
CORI and National Background checks will be conducted on all paid staff involved in Ministry for Children and Youth, all teachers, all Youth Group leaders, and overnight chaperones. In order to make arranging for chaperones easier we would appreciate it if any parent who thinks he or she might volunteer to chaperone complete a CORI and National Background Check Request at the beginning of the year. This doesn’t obligate anyone to be a chaperone. Please email the office for the form or speak to the Safe Church Advocate, Joe Walsh.
A fire drill will be held at least twice a year with one being on the first day back in September. In the event of an actual emergency, parents will meet their child in the parking lot of the Dentist’s Office (red brick building on the Carson Park side of the church).
The hallway with classrooms on the first floor is a designated Nut Free Zone.