Music Ministries

Music is a strong, beautiful and vital part of Central Congregational Church!  Praising God with music is an essential part of the worship service. The Music Committee and our Director of Music, Tudor Bota, provide us with a variety of music at CCC that inspires us and helps us celebrate God’s Love. Belonging to one or more of our music groups gives members a chance to share their talents and love of music with the congregation in a fulfilling way.  All of our groups always welcome new folks to join.



The Chancel Choir

The Chancel Choir is an all volunteer adult choir that rehearses Thursday evenings (6:45 pm in the sanctuary) and sings an anthem in addition to leading the congregation in hymns during the Sunday morning worship service.  The only requirement is a love of singing! Tudor is a wonderful, patient director, who teaches vocal and choral techniques at rehearsals, gently stretching us to be the best we can be.

The Bell Choir

The Muriel Bridges Parlee Bell Choir is an intergenerational group that plays 3 octaves of handbells about once per month during the service. Rehearsals are Thursday evenings, 8:15 pm, in the Music Room on the third floor. Please speak with Tudor if you’re interested in joining.

Junior Choir

CCC has a growing Junior Choir and we welcome more members!

They practice with our Director of Music Ministries, Tudor Bota, right after worship in the sanctuary for about 15 minutes.  This group sings 3 or 4 times a year in the church service and during the Advent and Palm Sunday concerts.  Students from reading age through middle school are invited go join. Music is usually shared with families so they can practice at home. High school students have the option to sing with the Senior Choir.

SonLight Band

SonLight is a praise band that enjoys performing contemporary Christian music.  They are looking for more instrumentalists and singers of all ages to join.  Come to a rehearsal on Tuesdays at 7:30 pm.



Have you ever wanted to sing accompanied by a full professional orchestra? Well, maybe that hasn’t been your dream, but you can have that incredible experience this Christmas! Our Christmas & Easter Concerts are truly amazing! Francisco is well-connected in the Boston classical music world, and so he hires professional musicians to join with our choir and friends for truly inspiring, faith-filled performances. Keep an eye out for when rehearsals begin.