Event details
- Sunday | April 7, 2019
- 7:00 pm
- Central Congregational Church, One Worthen St., Chelmsford, MA
- 9782565931
West Virginia Meeting This Sunday, April 7th at 7 p.m. at 9 Worthen Street. This year’s trip is June 15-22 to the Cabell-Lincoln Workcamp in Huntington, WV. If you have questions, please don’t hesitate to contact Bryan Norman, brnorman@comcast.net, 508-397-1497.
DownEast Maine Mission! We have our first information and organizing meeting on this Sunday, April 7th at 7 p.m. in room 202 and will be meeting monthly thereafter to fund-raise and prepare for the trip. The trip is scheduled for August 4-10. Please talk to me if you are interested in going and need a scholarship Please pass this on to others you think will be interested in going. Peace, Peter White, peter.c.white@comcast.net, 978-407-4913