Event details
- Sunday | October 30, 2022
- 5:00 pm
- Fellowship Hall, One Worthen St., Chelmsford MA
- 978-256-5931
HOLY LAND BANQUET! Sunday, October 30, at 5:00 pm
Pastor Rich, Alisa, and Maddie will be sharing slides and stories from their recent trip to the Holy Land at a
banquet in Fellowship Hall. The meal will be catered by Bertucci’s, and will feature your choice of two entries,
pizza, salad, and of course, Bertucci’s famous rolls! Dessert will be a middle eastern favorite, baklava, as well
as ice cream sundaes. This event is totally free, paid for by the Lilly Foundation Sabbatical Grant. Please contact the Church Office to sign up or look for the sign-up sheet in Fellowship Hall.