Recommended Study Bibles

- NIV Study Bible
- The Student Bible — NRSV or NIV Translation
- The Harper Collins Study Bible, NRSV
- The Life Application Study Bible

The One Year Bible

- Frederick Buechner
- Anne Lamott
- Rachel Held Evans
- John Ortberg
- Max Lucado
- Tony Campolo
- Richard Foster
- Joseph Girzone
- Peter Gomes
- Harold Kushner
- C.S. Lewis
- Kathleen Norris
- Henri Nouwen
- Lewis Smedes
- Barbara Brown Taylor
- Philip Yancey

- To Begin at the Beginning by Martin Copenhaver
- Prayer: Finding the Heart’s True Home by Richard Foster
- Streams of Living Water by Richard Foster
- Joshua by Joseph Girzone
- Who Needs God by Harold Kushner
- Help, Thanks, Wow by Anne Lamott
- The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis
- Facing Your Giants by Max Lucado
- Fearless by Max Lucado
- Traveling Light by Max Lucado
- The Ragamuffin Gospel by Brennan Manning
- A New Kind of Christian by Brian McLaren
- The Story We Find Ourselves In by Brian McLaren
- Amazing Grace by Kathleen Norris
- God is Closer than You Think by John Ortberg
- The Life You’ve Always Wanted by John Ortberg
- Restoring Your Spiritual Passion by Gordon MacDonald
- Sacred Journeys: A Woman’s Book of Daily Prayer by Jan L. Richardson
- The Case for Christ by Lee Strobel
- The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren
- Reaching for the Invisible God by Philip Yancey
- What’s So Amazing about Grace? by Philip Yancey
- The Five Languages of Love by Gary Chapman
- Boundaries by Cloud & Townsend
- The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work by John M. Gottman
- The Dance of Intimacy by Harriet Goldhor Lerner
- Can Christians Love Too Much? by Margaret J. Rinck
- The Art of Forgiving by Lewis Smedes

- The Good Book by Peter Gomes
- NIV Compact Dictionary of the Bible by Douglas & Tenney
- How to Read the Bible for All Its Worth by Fee & Stuart
- Get Acquainted with Your Bible by Gary L. Ball-Kilbourne

- The Five Languages of Love
by Gary Chapman - Boundaries by Cloud & Townsend
- The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work by John M. Gottman
- The Dance of Intimacy
by Harriet Goldhor Lerner - Can Christians Love Too Much?
by Margaret J. Rinck - The Art of Forgiving by Lewis Smedes

- The Beginners Bible by Gold ‘n’ Honey Books (ages 2-8)
- Baby’s First Bible by Colin & Moira MacLean (ages 1 – 3)
- God Loves You: A Pop-Up Book by Shapiro & Kampen (ages 1-2)
- The Beginners Bible for Toddlers by Baker, Helms, & Dalby
- The First Step Bible for Toddlers by Gold ‘n’ Honey Books
- A First Bible Story Book by Hoffman & Downing (ages 1-6)
- And God Created Squash by Hickman & Ferri (ages 1-6)
- Deep Blue Children’s Bible
- Help Me, God: A Take-Along Prayer Book for Little Hearts by Tyndale for Kids
- Praise You, God: A Take-Along Prayer
- Book for Little Hearts by Tyndale for Kids
- All Things Bright and Beautiful by Alexander & Heyer (ages 1-6)
- The World That God Made by Bostrom & Adderley (ages 3-6)
- What Did Jesus Promise? by Haidle & Bladholm (ages 3-8)
- WWJD for Kidz by Hollingsworth & Incrocci (ages 3-8)
- Give Us This Day: The Lord’s Prayer Illustrated for Children by TashaTudor
- Big Truths for Little Kids by Hunt & Hunt (school age)