Prayer Shawl Ministry
The Prayer Shawl Ministry at Central Congregational Church, UCC continues to be very busy and active in its mission since being founded in 2005. We have many dedicated people who donate their time and talent to create these handcrafted shawls. Our mission is simple: to bring love, care and comfort to those who are hurting in some way through illness, loss, grief, a difficult bump in the road, or a very special event in one’s life journey. As we knit/crochet, we say prayers for whomever receives a prayer shawl that they shall feel the love, comfort, consolation and a feeling of God’s presence in their lives.
These prayer shawls are offered to patients at Lowell General Hospital’s Cancer Center, in-patients at the hospital, members of our church family, friends of our church family, nursing home patients, friends of friends, and those that are homebound. We also offer prayer shawls to graduating seniors to carry with them for that continued link with our church family. Baby prayer shawls are given to infants when they are baptized . On average, we distribute approximately 50 shawls each year.
We meet on the second Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m. For more information, please contact the church office at 978-256-5931.
Prayer Ministry
In difficult times when we do not know which way to turn and our hearts seem to cry out for help, we need to turn to our loving God who knows the anguish we are going through. When we pray either for ourselves or for others, we often experience the calm of knowing our burdens are shared and we’re part of a loving, caring community. Prayer helps us trust that God is indeed walking beside us, easing our aching hearts and giving us much needed comfort. The CCC Prayer Ministry is a group of dedicated friends who believe in the power of prayer. If you have a prayer request or would like to become part of our Prayer Ministry please call the church office at 978-256-5931.
Lamb Ministry
Children can be wonderfully empathetic and their desire to comfort others is strong. Just as adults sometimes want to comfort an ill, grieving, or distraught friend, neighbor, or family member with a tangible expression such as bringing food or a prayer shawl, children should also be given this opportunity. We have available stuffed toy lambs wearing different colored ribbons and tags that say God Loves You. The lambs usually reside in a basket in the front of the sanctuary. If your child would like to give a lamb to a friend or family member, please contact Pastor Rich, who will often say a prayer with the child for the recipient of the lamb.