Event details
- Sunday | February 28, 2021
- 6:00 pm
- online via Zoom
- 9782565931
One of the best things about church is it’s multi-generational. A lot of wisdom is handed down from generation to generation, and we’re missing that right now due to Covid 19. So here’s an idea – on Sun. Feb. 28 at 6:00 pm we’re inviting our God Squad Members and our Retirees to meet online, so that our fabulously wise elders can share with our teens, “The Best Advice I Ever Got!” Please think about the wisdom that was passed down to you, or lessons you’ve learned along the way that can help those just starting out. And if you want, you can even ask our teens for help you with your smart phone! Watch for the Zoom link in future emails from the church. – Steve Hartigan, Will Hargett, and Pastor Rich.