Event details
- Sunday | September 16, 2018
- 11:15 am
- One Worthen St., Chelmsford MA
- 978-256-5931
The next ONA Potluck and Discussion Gathering will be held in Fellowship Hall on Sun. Sept. 16 at 11:30 a.m. As we continue to learn and understand what it means to become an Open and Affirming* church, it is often the stories shared by individuals that make the strongest impact. To hear a person tell you directly when and how they have been rejected, or their child has been made to feel unwelcome, or they needed a place to feel safe – these are powerful messages that will stay with you. Please join us to share a meal and hear speakers, several from our CCC family, share their stories about how they have been affected by the wider church’s response to LGBT individuals. Sign up at Coffee Hour or by contacting the church office.
The CCC ONA Task Force: Lynn Horton, Monique Billingsley, Marcia Cassidy, Joe Chapman, Ginnie Hall, Elizabeth Hartigan, Hayley Horton, Beth Jarok, Val King, Deb Lyons, Emily Lyons, Judy Musgrove, Kenny Pantuso, Karen Papenfuss, Pastor Rich Knight
*An Open and Affirming congregation welcomes into the full life and ministry of the church persons of every race, culture, age, gender, sexual orientation, ability, and economic status.