Event details
- Sunday | October 29, 2023
- 11:15 am
- 11:15 am in Carson Park, 9 Worthen St., Chelmsford MA. 1:00 pm at the project sites.
- 978-256-5931
It’s almost time for our Fall Make A Difference Day! On Oct. 29 all CCC members and friends are invited to participate in this special day of service to the community! Community projects will begin at 1:00 pm. There will be MADD projects for participants of all ages, including two CCC favorites – cleaning up litter on the Bruce Freeman Rail Trail and working in the Community Garden! Our youngest children will meet right after worship to make pet treats for the Lowell Humane Society. The shelter will even be bringing a few animals to the treat-making! Please contact Jennifer Hart or Lynn Horton. Lynn@terpsoft.com for more information on the projects. Thank you for helping to Make A Difference in our community!
As it says on our t-shirts (and please wear yours if you have one), God’s work, our hands!