Event details
- Tuesday | March 29, 2022
- 7:00 pm
- Rm. 302, 1 Worthen St. Chelmsford MA
- 9782563951
Join us for a Lenten Prayer & Meditation Series led by Rev. Hannelore Nalesnik and Pastor Rich. Since we all learn best by doing, we’ll be practicing meditation at every session. You’ll also be introduced to an ancient Hawaiian practice of meditation called Ho’oponopono. Literally translated Ho’oponopono means “cause things to move back into balance” or “set things right.” For those of us who have become accustomed during Lent
to considering and paying even closer attention to the life and person of Jesus, we invite you to join with us in learning and using meditation to open ourselves to the healing grace and love of Christ, with arms outstretched on the cross, for yourself and for this world. We’ll be meeting in-person in Rm. 302 for five sessions, starting Tues. March 8 at 7:00 pm. You’re welcome to attend even if you missed the first session.