Event details
- Sunday | September 10, 2023
- 10:00 am
- 1 Worthen St., Chelmsford MA 01824
- 978-256-5931
Central Congregational Church, One Worthen St., Chelmsford extends an invitation to “Welcome Sunday” on Sept. 10 at 10:00 a.m. Welcome Sunday marks the start of a new year of Sunday School. Registration forms are available at the church office, and by clicking right here: Sunday School Registration Form. Forms will also be available on Sept. 10. Rev. Dr. Rich Knight will be leading worship and sharing the morning message. Following the service there hot dogs and ice cream Sundaes to enjoy. Welcome Sunday not only marks the start of a new season of Sunday School. It’s also the chance for all of us to begin anew with our God and one another. Join us!