Event details
- Sunday | March 11, 2018
- 10:00 am
The God Squad will be attending Common Cathedral on Sunday, March 11th. Common Cathedral serves as an important community for people experiencing homelessness, and for parishes who want to be in community with unhoused people. In preparation for this trip, The God Squad will be meeting on Saturday, March 10 in Fellowship Hall from 6-9 p.m. to make sandwiches for the next day. After the sandwiches are made, we’ll enjoy pizza and games. The more people that attend, the quicker we can prepare the lunches and the more time we have for fun! On Sunday, March 11, The God Squad will be meeting at 9 Worthen after the Sunday School Recessional. Members will be carpooling from CCC to the Boston Common. They will be attending the service and then providing lunches to participants. Please make sure to dress appropriately for the weather. We should be returning around 3:30 p.m. Please RSVP to Gwen Bottomley at gwen.bottomley@gmail.com