Committee Fair!

Event details

  • Thursday | February 6, 2025
  • 11:15 am
  • Fellowship Hall, One Worthen St., Chelmsford, MA
  • 978-256-5931

Come one! Come all! Come to the CCC Committee Fair! On Sun., March 22, during Coffee Hour, we will
have tables set up around Fellowship Hall, each with a member or two from the various CCC committees. You can visit any table you wish, ask questions, and learn about what each church committee does, and what is involved when you join that committee. Annual Meeting on May 17 is the start of a new church “year,” and a good opportunity to begin serving on a committee (or two!) If you have questions now, please contact a member of the Nominating Committee – we are your connection to all of the committees!! Thank you! Your CCC Nominating Committee, Lynn Horton, Deb Lyons, and Elizabeth Hartigan.