Event details
- Sunday | December 24, 2023
- 8:00 pm
- 1 Worthen St., Chelmsford MA 01824
- 9782565931
Our Christmas Eve Candlelight Services will be at 5:00 pm and 8:00 pm.
5:00 pm Family Candlelight Service (approx. 40-45 min.)
Designed for children and families. Includes all the familiar lessons & carols and a beautiful candlelighting ceremony. Ben Pulaski will be sharing a children’s message.
8:00 pm Traditional Candlelight Service – In-Person & Livestreamed on YouTube and Facebook Live
A Service of Lessons & Carols with the beautiful music of Christmas and a lovely candlelighting ceremony. Our Chancel Choir, our SonLight Band, and Don Desfosse will be sharing special music.
Pastor Rich Knight, D. Min. will be leading both services.
Our offering Christmas Eve will go to the Open Pantry of Greater Lowell. established in 1981 as the first food pantry in Lowell and is a tax exempt 501c(3) organization devoted to relieving hunger in the Greater Lowell community. The need is great. Your generosity is greatly appreciated.