Event details
- Sunday | December 1, 2019
- 11:15 am
- One Worthen St., Chelmsford MA
- 978-256-5931
Advent Festival on December 1st What is Advent? Advent (from the Latin word “adventus” meaning “coming”) is a season observed by Christians – a time of expectant waiting and preparation for the celebration of the birth of Jesus at Christmas. It begins on the fourth Sunday before Christmas Day (this year that day is Sunday, December 1st) and ends on Christmas Eve. We gather together for a potluck lunch, create Advent and Christmas crafts, and make an Advent wreath to take home. This is great fun for the whole family and the children love it! The potluck lunch is always yummy. Please come to the Advent Festival. Mark your calendar for Sunday, December 1st at 11:30 a.m. Sign-ups for our Advent Festival will begin this Sunday, November 10th during coffee hour. Questions? Contact Jen Stuart at jen.stuart@cccchelmsford.