This Year’s Christmas Concert is this Sun. Dec. 4!
You are cordially invited to this year’s Christmas concert entitled, “Breath of Heaven.” The concert will include a freewill offering and a light reception following the concert in Fellowship Hall.
Christmas Tree Sale!
Stop by our church parking lot and check out our beautiful Christmas trees for sale!
Children’s Christmas Pageant – Sun. Dec. 18, 10 am
Join us Sun. Dec. 18, 10:00 am for our Sunday School Christmas Pageant Worship Service. We’ll sing the great carols of Christmas, as our kids present the Christmas story to us. Following the pageant our Senior High students, “The God Squad,” will share a popular Christmas story followed by Christian reflection on the story. If you’re having trouble getting into the Christmas Spirit, this should do the trick! Come for Christmas joy and inspiration!
Christmas Eve Services – 5:00 pm, 7:00 pm, 10:00 pm
Our Christmas Eve Candlelight Services will be at 5:00 pm, 7:00 pm and 10:00 pm. Join us for great music and a “lessons & carols” service culminating in a beautiful candlelighting ceremony! It’s the most wonderful night of the year! Come, let’s celebrate together, for the Light of the World has come!
5:00 pm Family Candlelight Service. This service is geared towards school-age children, but all ages will enjoy it. The service will be shorter than traditional Christmas Eve services, approximately 35-40 min. in length. We won’t be singing every verse of every carol, but we will sing all the great ones. We invite not only our CCC families to this service, but also families from the community. Spread the word!
Our 7:00 pm and 10:00 pm Candlelight Services remain the same as previous years, namely, beautiful and inspiring!