Central Congregational Church
United Church of Christ
Chelmsford MA
These are unprecedented times for our country and for the world. Our church, like each of us individually, is having to adapt and adjust. Along with the ancient practice of prayer and worship, modern technology especially social media has become an important way to connect with each other and with our community of faith during this time. Here’s what we’re doing:
1. Hybrid Worship Services – 10:00 am
Our Sunday Services are now in-person (for the vaccinated and the unvaccinated). Standard Covid protocols (masks, distancing) will of course be in place. In addition, we won’t be passing the peace or the offering plates (they’ll be placed at the doors). We will continue to livestream our services on Facebook Live and YouTube Live. Let us worship God!
2. Facebook & Facebook Live!
Please “Like” CCC’s Facebook page to stay connected. It you’ve never used Facebook, now’s a good time to give it a try. There are plenty of privacy settings to protect yourself. We’ve been broadcasting our Sunday morning services on Facebook Live. Just go to our Facebook page Sundays at 10 am to watch. You’ll often find faith-filled inspiration and lots of humor, and you’ll see what folks are doing to navigate through this time. On our Facebook page we’ve been posting announcements, inspiration and links to video sermons.
3. Sermons/Messages
Our Sunday Services are recorded each week. We’ve been posting the services (or sometimes just the message) on our YouTube channel as well as on our Facebook page. Go to: CCC YouTube Channel. Please “subscribe” to our channel to receive notifications when new videos are posted.
4. Sunday School Classes
Our teachers have decided to continue Sunday School outside, weather permitting. We will meet outside for about 45 minutes starting at 10:00. Each class will study a Bible story and then participate in related activities to stay warm. We will send emails to families with our plans on Saturday afternoons. If you are not receiving emails, please reach out to Carolyn Chapman or contact the church office. Kids & teachers must wear masks at all times.
Click here to sign up your child(ren): Sunday School Registration
5. Monday Night Movie Club!
We’ve had a lot of fun watching movies this year and meeting online to discuss them. Join us for fellowship and thoughtful conversation. Look for Zoom info in our weekly emails.
6. Lunch with the Pastor
“Lunch with the Pastor” is held every Tuesday at Noon in Fellowship Hall. These gatherings are a lot of fun. After checking in with each other we generally tackle a discussion topic each Tuesday. Contact Pastor Rich Knight for more information. Join us!
7. “An Old-Fashioned Zoom Bible Study”
Pastor Rich is leading an online Bible Study Thursday mornings at 11:00 am. We’re starting the Book of Revelation Thur. Sept. 9. No prior knowledge of the Bible is necessary to join this group, and you may join any time! Please let Pastor Rich know if you plan to attend.
8. Grocery Shopping Ministry
Our Grocery Shopping Ministry is going strong, presently serving 10 households. Please contact Pastor Rich or Ginnie Hall if you need groceries. Let our team do the shopping! “Shopping Buddies” are standing by!
9. CCC on the Move! – post your pics on Facebook!
With the warm weather here, it’s important for us to get outside and get moving! We’re going to use Facebook to provide some encouragement! Andy Washington will be overseeing this effort, as Andy often posts beautiful pictures of his outdoor adventures. We’re inviting all of you to post pictures of your walks, hikes, runs, biking, etc. Let’s Get Moving, People!
Stay Safe, Stay Well, Stay Connected!